Supportive and Effective Therapy

We can encounter difficulties in life that are beyond our capacity.

Along with day to day challenges, these troubling experiences can leave us depleted and full of doubt.

In these vulnerable times the temptation is to seek answers outside of ourselves when the path to healing and even happiness lies within.

When the ability to connect to that inner knowing has been broken, Psychotherapy is a powerful way to restore your faith in humanity and yourself.

If you’ve been wrestling with uncomfortable questions about meaning and direction in your life, confused by conflict in relationships, or feeling increasingly dissatisfied and anxious: Psychotherapy has effective tools for symptom relief, clarity, and change. Often it helps to deepen compassion, uncover hidden strengths, and build skills for responding well to the ongoing challenges of life.

Sometimes it’s hard to think about seeking help from a Therapist. But just as you would go to your doctor or dentist for your medical or dental needs; it makes sense to turn to a Therapist for help developing more skillful patterns of behavior and thought. Achieving balance mentally and emotionally is an important part of improving the health of your whole self.

Please Contact Me If
*you are curious about whether my services might be right
for you or
*you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Heidi F. Yoder, MFT